
El desalojo, Zona Cero Nueva York

The poorest residents of the neighbourhood in which the Twin Towers stood until 2001 are afraid of losing their homes. Luxury buildings are to be constructed there.Olga Imbaquingo, New York Corresponde nt

"Homelessness prevention in the context of evictions": full report - final version

"Homelessness prevention in the context of evictions": full report - final version

"Homelessness prevention in the context of evictions": full report - final version

Bamako, le raccomandazioni di un Forum riuscito

Over 1,000 people, including delegates from various regions, attended the second Evicted People's Forum, held last October 23, 2011 at the Pyramid of Remembrance in Bamako and organized by UACDDDD. It's central theme was: "Deprived of land, habitat, and rights in Africa and elsewhere: how do we get to the roots of the issues and address the problems that victims face?"

S. Petersburg, "Stop Lying!"

S. Petersburg, "Stop Lying!"


Tuesday April 5th at 11am, PAHs from across Catalonia have invaded CatalunyaCaixa’s offices in Muntaner St. in Barcelona. The action is framed within a global campaign in defense of families affected by Blackstone, the vulture fund against whom we’ve already organised three international actions  with the fierce conviction that we will win.

Unione Inquilini: sotto attacco la solidarietà, risponderemo colpo su colpo

24 May 2018 - Denunciations, including claims for damages, continue against activists defending families from eviction. Yesterday, just after Cesare Ottolini, secretary of Padova Tenants’ Union, and a member of the Italian Tenants’ Union’s national secretariat, as well as global coordinator of the International Alliance of Inhabitants (IAI), was charged to appear in court, Michelangelo Di Beo, a fellow member of the Italian Tenants’ Union’s national secretariat, has in turn been charged to appear in court for having defended a family during an anti-eviction picket. The same story for another member of the Tenants’ national secretariat, Laura Boy, who has also been charged to appear in court for the occupation of an abandoned and dilapidated building.

Habitar Argentina: Más de 60 organizaciones en repudio a la acusación y en solidaridad a Cesare Ottolini

Buenos Aires, 24 de Mayo de 2018HABITAR ARGENTINA "Iniciativa multisectorial por el derecho a la Tierra, la Vivienda y el Hábitat" conformada por organizaciones, instituciones académicas, movimientos sociales y legisladores, que están trabajando con el objeto de generar un marco normativo que garantice el derecho a la vivienda, la tierra y al hábitat para todos los argentinos, expresa su repudio por la acusación que ha realizado el Tribunal de Padua a Cesare Ottolini, coordinador global de la AIH, acusándolo de “violencia privada agravada” por defender, con éxito, a una familia de migrantes de ser desalojada de su hogar.

Buenos Aires, Jornada “Cesare Ottolini” por el Derecho a Luchar por la Vivienda

Este domingo 10 de junio, a partir de las 17 hrs, se llevará adelante la Jornada “Cesare Ottolini” por el Derecho a Luchar por la Vivienda. Cesare Ottolini, coordinador global de la Alianza Internacional de Habitantes y jurado del Tribunal Internacional de Desalojos, fue acusado por el Tribunal de Padua, de “violencia privada agravada” por defender a una familia de ser desalojada de su casa.


COOPHABITAT, red urbano popular, FRENPROCA y la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos de República Dominicana se solidarizan activamente con el coordinador global de la Alianza Internacional de Habitantes Cesare Ottolini ante el sometimiento a juicio en Padova, Italia por haber defendido el derecho a la vivienda de familias en desalojos arbitrarios.

Padova, Italia, Il coordinatore IAI incriminato per aver difeso una famiglia dallo sfratto, appello alla mobilitazione internazionale

Суд города Падуя вызвал Чезаре Оттолини, глобального координатора МАЖ (Международного альянса жильцов) в «провоцировании личного насилия» за то, что он успешно защищал мигрантов против выселения их из жилья. Эта семья – одна из многих семей, право которых на жилье защищается в течение более 40 лет в городах и на всех континентах. призыв к международной мобилизации.

Solidariedade e apoio ao coordenador da Aliança Internacional dos Habitantes, Cesare Ottolini - CONAM, MNLM,CMP, MLB, Brasil

A CONAM junto com MNLM,CMP e MLB, vem expressar toda nossa solidariedade e apoio ao coordenador da Aliança  Internacional dos Habitantes, Cesare Ottolini, que vem sofrendo acusações de falsas denuncias, que  tem por fim criminalizar os que lutam por direitos humanos e moradia digna para os que mais precisam.