Abitanti del Medio Oriente
OMS, Nuovo Coronavirus (COVID-19): consigli per il pubblico
Tenetevi aggiornati con le ultime informazioni sull'epidemia di COVID-19, disponibili sul sito web dell'OMS e presso le autorità sanitarie pubbliche nazionali e locali. COVID-19 continua a colpire principalmente la popolazione della Cina, anche se i focolai si stanno verificando in altri paesi. La maggior parte delle persone infette ha sintomi lievi e guarisce, ma altre possono avere una forma più grave. Prendetevi cura della vostra salute e proteggete gli altri seguendo questi consigli:
L'epidemia di Coronavirus sta contagiando ormai tutti i paesi del mondo, ma a rischio sono soprattutto 1,8 miliardi di persone che vivono in condizioni abitative disastrose e senza casa, a volte senza acqua e servizi igienici.
Perciò l'Alleanza Internazionale degli Abitanti lancia un appello alla mobilitazione e alla solidarietà locale/globale delle organizzazioni popolari.
Occupied Palestinan Territories, Demolition and Displacement report: March 2019 - ICAHD
During March 2019, at least 43 structures, a road and a school were demolished in the occupied Palestinian Territories (including East Jerusalem) by Israeli forces, displacing at least 77 people- including 34 children- and affecting a further 5,072 people (according to OCHA OPT).
Occupied Palestinan Territories, Demolition and Displacement report: February 2019 - ICAHD
During February 2019, at least 33 structures, a road and two major water networks were demolished in the occupied Palestinian Territories (including East Jerusalem) by Israeli forces, displacing at least 75 people- including 33 children- and affecting a further 19,830 people (according to OCHA oPT).
Occupied Palestinan Territories, Demolition and Displacement report: January 2019 - ICAHD
During January 2019, at least 39 structures were demolished in the occupied Palestinian Territories (including East Jerusalem) by Israeli forces, displacing at least 44 people- including 18 children- and affecting a further 181 people, including 107 children (according to OCHA oPT).
Occupied Palestinan Territories, Demolition and Displacement report: December 2018 - ICAHD
In the month of December 2018, at least 38 structures were demolished in the occupied Palestinian Territories (including East Jerusalem) by Israeli forces, displacing at least 56 people- including 23 children- and affecting a further 267 people, including 152 children (according to OCHA oPT). In the south of Israel, in the Naqab desert, a newly wed couple had to self-demolish their home in the unrecognised Bedouin village Wadi al-Na’am, and in the North of Israel, a house was demolished in the Palestinian city of Umm al-Fahm.
Occupied Palestinan Territories, Demolition and Displacement report: November 2018 - ICAHD
At least 63 structures were demolished in the occupied Palestinian Territories (including East Jerusalem) by Israeli forces, during the month of November, displacing at least 42 people- including 19 children- and affecting a further 687 people, including 196 children. Inside Israel, in the Naqab desert, Israeli forces demolished the unrecognised Bedouin village al-Aragib for the 136th time.
Occupied Palestinan Territories, Demolition and Displacement report: October 2018 - ICAHD
Photo: Aref Daraghmeh, B’Tselem
At least 29 structures were demolished by Israeli forces in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (including East Jerusalem) in the month of September, displacing 51 people - including 23 children - and affecting a further 79 people, including 54 children. In addition, two families from East Jerusalem self-demolished their homes. Inside Israel, in the Naqab desert, Israeli forces demolished the unrecognised Bedouin village Al-Arakib for the 134th time, demolished another house in Hura, and another family self-demolished their home in Sa’wah. In central and Northern Israel two houses were demolished, displacing more then 15 people.
Occupied Palestinian Territories, Demolition and Displacement report June 2018 - ICAHD
This month, 22 structures were demolished in the occupied Palestinian Territories (including East Jerusalem) displacing 13 people – 7 of whom are children – and affecting a further 121 people.All the demolitions and confiscations but one – a Punitive demolition of a house in Barta’a ash Sharqia – occurred on the grounds of lacking an Israeli-issued building permit. Most of the demolished structures supported agricultural, herding and commercial livelihoods.
West Bank, Demolition and Displacement report, December 2017
During the month of December 2017, 9 structures have been demolished in the West Bank (including occupied East Jerusalem), affecting 58 people- out of whom 33 are children. Ten people were displaced due to the demolitions, four of whom were children.More then half of the demolitions this month happened in occupied East Jerusalem, bringing the annual total of demolitions and evictions in the city to 143 structures, directly affecting 654 people, displacing 269 people -out of which 146 are children.