Regional Training Meeting: face-to-face training for popular leaders
The International Alliance of Inhabitants is delighted to announce that we are proposing a face-to-face training course in Buenos Aires from 29 September to 2 October 2015, called “Popular movements and their responsibility in public housing policies”. The course will provide a forward-looking and independent perspective and look at the impact of inhabitants’ organizations in the run-up to the World Urban Social Form and Habitat III (Quito, October 2016)
.>>> Enclosed form to fill in and send to
First Regional Training Meeting Form (english).doc [30,00 kB]
>>> We will be accepting applications until 23 August 2015
First Regional Competition for Popular Housing Alternatives
Competition for inhabitants organizations of Latin America and the Caribbean
The aim of the competition is to highlight and reconsider the importance of the experiences of local communities and their organizations, as fundamental contributions to policies for building and managing popular housing, as an alternative to the market paradigms.Participation is open to all of the inhabitants' organizations of Latin America and the Caribbean who have campaigned for popular housing in their respective countries, or for relevant initiatives and proposals to influence public policy, with the demonstrable support of NGOs and universities.Closed!
The results will be published by 11/03/2014
cuadro propuestas recibidas (7 de febrero 2014).pdf [63,99 kB]
XXIX Congreso Latinoamericano de Sociología- ALAS Chile 2013
La crisis profundamente enraizada en nuestras naciones latinoamericanas ha sacudido a todas ellas, pero con distinta fuerza, persistencia e intensidad, según las particularidades de sus respectivas estructuras económicas, sociales y políticas. De manera recurrente y, en cierta forma cíclica, la crisis acompaña y pone una y otra vez en suspenso la viabilidad del desarrollo de los países de la región. La presente tiene, sin embargo, una especificidad que la distingue claramente en la retrospectiva histórica moderna de América Latina y que tiene que ver con la dinámica de sus recientes transformaciones en sus estructuras económicas y sociales.