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Habitantes de Europa


Rassemblement et semaine d’action contre la loi anti-squa

Il ne manquait plus que ça. On apprend que la bande à Michel s’apprête à faire voter en septembre une loi, d’ores et déjà approuvée en première lecture, selon laquelle les squatteurs-squatteuses seront désormais passibles de prison ferme.Ainsi donc, après les expulsions massives du chômage, couplées à de nouveaux contrats d’emploi toujours plus précaires, après les coupes dans les aides aux associations de quartiers et dans les subventions aux soins de santé, après la répression de plus en plus violente de la contestation sociale , après l’intensification de la chasse aux personnes sans papiers, le gouvernement, de mèche avec les parasites privilégiés (spéculateurs immobiliers, big boss, lobbies), parachève en beauté sa criminalisation de la précarité en s’attaquant cyniquement à ceux qui occupent des bâtiments à l’abandon.


Foto Eleonora Camilli 24 agosto 2017 Un nuovo sgombero a piazza Indipendenza nella mattinata ha travolto gli accampati tra le aiuole nel silenzio complice della politica. Una strategia che a Roma abbiamo già visto, si cerca di polverizzare la resistenza con la violenza allontanando le persone per poter poi cacciare il problema sotto un tappeto. Strategia rafforzata poi da un'amministrazione romana incapace di una progettualità ancora alle prese con le nomine.

Солидарность жильцов мира против террористических актов в Барселоне

Международный альянс жильцов выражает свои самые глубокие соболезнования семьям жертв подлого нападения, осуществленного 17.08.17 в Барселоне террористами, у которых нет никакой религии, кроме хаоса, страха и смерти.Это нападение отвратительнее, чем предыдущие, поскольку его жертвами стали граждане из 34 стран и представители всех религий, и оно произошло в Барселоне, в городе, который является примером для всего человечества, потому что он создан и живет для мира, открытости и солидарности.

All over Russia, meetings of cheated investors were held on July, 25th

The investors believe that their problems are not likely to be resolved by the new law on a compensatory fund July, 25th , 2017, turned to be the day of all Russian protest actions staged by cheated (‘’hoodwinked’’) co-investors. Pickets, marches and protests sanctioned and unsanctioned by the authorities were reported to have been planned initially in 13 major Russian cities.But in fact, the number of Russian regions hit by the protest became much greater.

Italia, Manifestazione per lo IUS soli

CONVOCATORIA La CUB Confederazione Unitaria de Base, FOPEX Forum de los Peruanos en El Exterior Italia-Europa, REDCAN Red de Comunidades Andinas en Europa  e il CII Comitato Immigrati in Italia, invitano a partecipare a la Manifestazione per lo IUS SOLI - Mercoledì 26/07/2017, presidio d'avanti al Senato. Piazza Madama 11, Palazzo Madama, dalle ore 9.30 a Roma.

London, Grenfell was a preventable, political tragedy – authorities must urgently act on promises to rehouse all residents locally, regardless of status

Government and RBKC must take responsibility to rehouse all ‘who called Grenfell home’ in the local area, regardless of their residential or immigration status, said Radical Housing Network, an alliance of groups fighting housing injustice of which Grenfell Action Group is a member.Full solidarity of the International Alliance of Inhabitants.

Sign the the Berlin Declaration for "Transforming Tourism"!

Transforming our world is not possible without transforming tourism. We want not only to encourage further reflection and debate, but demand concrete activities. So far, over 200 individuals and more than 35 organisations have endorsed the Declaration. Join them and endorse it: as an individual, please click here , as an organisation, please write an email to tourism-watch@brot-fuer-die-welt.de . For more information please visit www.transforming-tourism.org

Protest March in Moscow against renovation program

Moscow has seen a march of inhabitants living in some city South West districts, who protested the new programs of housing renovation imposed by the city government. The focus of the protest was an upcoming demolition of five storey residential houses built mainly in the 1960ies and due to be pulled down by the city authorities.

From the inhabitants of the world to the G7: Homes not bombs!

A loud and clear message to Donald Trump, Justin Trudeau, Teresa May, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Shinzo Abe, Jean-Claude Junker, Donald Tusk, and Paolo Gentiloni.We identify you by name because the G7 is yours and you are fundamentally responsible for it.

Riciclare per fini sociali, non privatizzare, è legge! Una battaglia nei comuni e a livello nazionale

L'articolo 26 comma 1 bis della legge “Sblocca Italia” è frutto di un emendamento proposto dall'Unione Inquilini e afferma che i comuni prima di procedere alla valorizzazione o meglio alla privatizzazione del demanio civile e militare, devono valutarne l'utilizzo ai fini di edilizia residenziale pubblica, anche attraverso il recupero e l'autorecupero per assegnarli a famiglie in graduatoria e/o con sfratto per morosità incolpevole. Rilanciamo la battaglia affinché i Comuni applichino questa legge.