International Tribunal on Evictions
What is the International Tribunal on Evictions?
The International Tribunal on Evictions is an opinion tribunal established by civil society organisations for the World Zero Evictions Days – for the Right to Habitat to practically and interactively discuss the question of forced evictions around the world. The Tribunal relies on their expertise and on the appointment of a competent and recognized Jury, as well as on the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and other instruments of international law in order to pass judgement on real cases of forced evictions that constitute human rights violations.
Recommendations of the International Tribunal on Evictions - Fourth Session (Milan, 9th October 2014)
Recommendations to the Ministers for Social Affairs of the European Union
The International Tribunal on Evictions (TIE) met for its 4th
Session in Milan on 9th
October 2014.
A Jury made up of four experts in housing rights, from the academic world, NGOs and activist organizations, has analysed the dossiers on 32 cases of eviction in 24 cities of 11 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America and it has heard the inhabitants’ testimonies regarding the violations of the Right to Housing.
TIE 4th Session Program (Milan, October 9th to 10th 2014)
4th Session Program, Milan, Italy,
October 9th to 10th 2014
Thursday, the
International Tribunal on Evictions
Friday, the
Inhabitants March
A Milano, il 9-10 ottobre, la 4ª Sessione del Tribunale Internazionale degli Sfratti
Giovedì 9 e venerdì 10 ottobre Milano sarà la capitale delle « Giornate mondiali Sfratti Zero » 2014 grazie alla 4ª Sessione del Tribunale Internazionale degli Sfratti (Tribunal International des Evictions, TIE), emigrata quest'anno da Ginevra nella capitale lombarda per centrare il focus del dramma abitativo accentuato dalle politiche di austerità dell'Unione Europea.
Call of the International Tribunal on Evictions. Communicate your case of eviction before 3/10/14!
The International Tribunal on Evictions launches an international Call to identify cases of evictions for its fourth Session that will take place October 9th
to 10th, 2014 in Milan, Italy, within the World Zero Evictions Days - in Defence of Land.