Istanbul, Urban Movements: We will not let Gezi Park, our labour, our life, our nature be touched!
Since the 27th of May, Istanbulites had been continuing a peaceful resistance in Gezi Park, soon to be demolished due to a renewal project. They will never allow any disregard the demolishment of neighbourhoods by urban transformation projects. The IAI full solidarity to the call from Urban movements!
Your international support and solidarity are needed.
We got united in the street, we will win in the street!
We will not let Gezi Park, our labour, our life, our nature be touched!
Our resistance, whose spark was ignited first from İstanbul Taksim Gezi Park 5 days ago, spread wave after wave from neighbourhoods to all over Turkey and to the world, laying bare the common will of millions. The People has made its decision! We will not let Gezi Park be touched! From now on Gezi Park is Taksim, Reyhanlı, Roboski; it is May the 1st; it is labour, nature, life, freedom and the will to live in a democratic country against fascist attacks and against all oppressions of the state.
Hence forth, it should be made known that this Park, Taksim Square together with all the other public squares of the country plus this city and this country are entrusted to labour, labourers and the People. We will not surrender them to AKP and the Capital.
Hail to those, who, against all oppressions and violence, against all lies, manipulations and censors of the media have resisted from one street to another and have enlarged the resistance, wave after wave in 5 days. Hail to those who have freed the squares, passed over the bridges and to those who have opened their homes, schools, shops to the insurgents!
This resistance is the outbreak, fury and solidarity of those claiming their cities, labour, nature and life, of those who raise their voices and say ‘This is enough’ against the antidemocratic and oppressive policies, first and foremost of Tayyip Erdogan and AKP government and their imposition of implementations under ‘When I decide it, it is done’’.This resistance is the meeting point of oppossing segments and colours.
As the breaking point in Turkish history, this resistance has shown that you cannot and will not be able to take any step against the will of the people about any issue that affect people’s lives. You were not and will never be able to suppress the people with your oppressions, prohibitions, violence.
‘The Government Should Resign’ has been the common sound resonating from all squares of Turkey .We will amplify that sound! The meaning of this cry is evident.
We will never let the government impose its own political aims, regulations on how to live, nor its own darkness on the whole society.
We will never give permission to the implementation of policies by capital which are against labour, cities and nature, which are brought about through oppression, intimidation, rejection and destruction.
We will never allow any disregard to the gains of our labourers and workers, the plunder of our forests, the privatization of our schools, the deportation of our hospitals out of city centers, the demolishment of our neighbourhoods by urban transformation projects.
This is a call to our people, to organize at the unions, professional chambers, non-governmental organizations and political organizations to enlargen this resistance, spreading it to all aspects of life.
We claim our present day, we claim our future.
We declare it once again; we reclaim Taksim as the memory of our resistance and solidarity.
Our five day long resistance showed that the atmosphere of fear that the government tries to create in our society turning the entire country into a prison with hightened authoritarian tendencies by using force, suppression and violence, does not work anymore. As we shouted at the public squares during our resistence: ‘This is only the beginning, we will go on with our struggle.’
The urgent conditions of our resistance are as the following:
- Gezi Park will stay as a public park. We will not let the reconstruction of Topcu Barracks nor the government’s plundering of our nature and habitat.
- The authorities, at first hand the Governor of Istanbul and the the General Commissioner of the Police,who starting from the resistance at Gezi Park prevented the use of democratic right to peaceful demonstration; gave an order to suppress by force and implemented this order causing hundreds of people to get injured, should resign immediately. The use of gas bomb should be prohibited.
- Our friends, comrades, who have been taken into custody in different parts of the country becasue they joined the resistance, should be released immediately and no juridical inquiry should be started for these people.
- The bans for meeting and demonstrations at public spaces, especially Taksim square, should be abolished.
This call is not the demands but the conditions of the streets, resistance and the people set to the government.
We got united in the streets, recognized our power. You witnessed our power. We know, we will win in the streets.
Solidarity for Taksim
2 June 2013
The Green Stands First . . .
Вс, 9 июня 2013 10:38:41
M Alimul Hyder