5th Session 2016
FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS fifth session of the International Tribunal on Evictions - People’s social forum resistance Habitat III - Quito, 17 october 2016
The Fifth Session of the International Tribunal on Evictions (ITE) was held as part of the People’s Social Forum for Resistance to Habitat III (Quito, Ecuador, 17th
October 2016).Prepared, coordinated and carried out by the ITE International Steering Committee with a participatory approach which involved local organisations and international networks via:
Provisional verdict fifth session of the International Tribunal on Evictions - People’s social forum resistance Habitat III - Quito, 17 october 2016
Presentation of the seven cases at the 5th
Session of the International Tribunal on Evictions (ITE), held in the city of Quito, representing situations affecting communities and individuals from all five continents. The selection have been made within the 88 cases received, from 35 countries as a response to the Call for Cases sent for the 5th
Session, related to the eviction of 980.000 people.
Международный трибунал по выселениям - 5 сессия 17 октября 2016 года - Кито, Эквадор
Пятая сессия Международного трибунала по выселениям, которая будет проведена 17 октября, 2016 года в рамках Народного социального форума Сопротивления проведению Хабитат III (Universidad Central de Ecuador, Facultad de Jurisprudencia y Sciencias Politicas, Quito, 17-20 October 2016), и в самый разгар Дней мира без выселений 2016 года.
Do not keep silent: Communicate your case of eviction!
International Tribunal on Evictions 2016
Córdoba y Huelva acogerán la primera sesión local del Tribunal Internacional de Desalojos en 2016
Desahucio Corrala Utopía, Sevilla
#llamadodesalojoandalusia2016 El Comité Internacional del Tribunal Internacional sobre Desalojos y el Comité Organizador de Córdoba y Huelva del Tribunal Internacional sobre Desalojos, representado por el Laboratorio Jurídico sobre Desahucios de la Universidad de Córdoba, han firmado un convenio para organizar una sesión local del TID en las ciudades de Córdoba (17 de mayo) y Huelva (18 de mayo).PUEDEN ENVIAR SU CASO A:
o rellenen el formulario
antes del 8 de mayo
Communication officielle du Comité de Direction International ITE
La Session locale au Cameroun du Tribunal International des Expulsions, censée se tenir à Yaoundé pendant la première moitié du mois de septembre 2016, est suspendue pour manque de respect du Mémorandum d'Entente de la part du Comité d’Organisation du TIE Local, pour leur décision de nommer en tant que membre du Jury du TIE un consultant à la Banque Mondiale.Nous invitons toutes le organisations de bonne volonté à continuer en totale indépendance le combat pour zéro expulsions au Cameroun et partout dans le monde.