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News from the world: How Inhabitants are facing the Coronavirus

You can read and post on Facebook here  your stories, proposals, good practices, struggles for the right to housing and the city facing the Coronavirus.

Info: zec.coronavirus@habitants.org

Following the International Zero Eviction Appeal for Coronavirus we are gathering in these pages hundreds of stories from all countries of Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, Australia on how popular organizations and their allies, local authorities, governments, supranational bodies are facing the housing crisis uncovered by the coronavirus.

In first place, housing security, with the suspension of evictions and payment of rents and mortgages, strongly claimed and obtained in many cities and countries, the complaints of the absence of adequate health, housing and urban planning policies, the abandonment of homelessness and discrimination, rampant authoritarianism in working-class neighborhoods, self-help and popular solidarity, and much more ...

Above all, the battle is emerging against the abandonment of working-class neighbourhoods in the global south, plus 1.8 billion homeless or poorly housed people, for whom "staying at home" means losing their jobs and further spreading the pandemic, given the overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions, including lack of water.

In the background, the threat of financial speculators, including the vultures of global funds, generous in providing the loans needed by the states today, but prepared to seize the homes and lands of hundreds of millions of people impoverished by a crisis that is expected to be worse than that of 2007-2008.

On the frontline, in addition to the brave of the health service and civil protection, there are the popular organizations, the activists of the right to housing who propose, implement and fight, so they must be equally protected and defended.

You are invited to keep posting directly here on Facebook your testimonies, complaints, proposals, articles, videos, photos on:

  • housing situation in your neighbourhoods and cities
  • threats to housing security (evictions, discrimination ...)
  • threats and criminalisation of housing and land rights activists
  • proposals, solidarity initiatives and struggles for the right to housing and health
  • missing policies, those proposed and implemented by local authorities and governments

This information is indispensable to understand, coordinate and win this fundamental local/global struggle of the inhabitants for the right to housing, the city and health.

Info: zec.coronavirus@habitants.org