Debate:how to burst the real-estate bubble?
The Size of Derivatives Bubble = $190K Per Person on Planet
By Tom Foremski - October 16, 2008
The Invisible One Quadrillion Dollar Equation -- Asymmetric Leverage and Systemic Risk
U.S. Housing Slump Has ‘Just Begun,’ Says Forecaster Talbott
Review by James PressleyFeb. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Let’s say you own a $1 million home in Santa Barbara, California.The house seemed like a steal when you bought it with that adjustable-rate mortgage in 2005. You still love the white beaches and those yachts bobbing up and down in the harbor.Then you awaken early one morning, troubled that your monthly payments will soon double. You go out to pick up your newspaper and see for-sale
signs on five houses on the street. One identical to yours just sold for $500,000.
Большая Двадцатка: Нам нужно “ Новое Зеленое Решение” Нам нужно “ Новое Зеленое Решение”
Заключить всемирный социальный договор о равноправном сосуществовании! В ответ на глобальный финансовый & жилищный кризис, международные союзы по жилищным правам призывают к существенному изменению глобальной финансовой системы и жилищного финансирования
Обращение к Большой Двадцатке: Заключите Всемирный общественный договор для создания справедливых и надежных жилищных условий уже сейчас!
Международные организации по борьбе за право на жилье призывают к фундаментальному пересмотру всемирной финансовой системы и финансирования жилья.
Refinancing Falls by the Wayside
Homeowners Come Up Empty in Bailout
By Mary Kane,
The Washington IndependentOctober 8, 2008For people facing foreclosure — and for the housing and community development groups trying to help them — there’s been little to cheer about lately.
German: Everything must go
UK magazine on German housing privatisations
Cash-strapped German councils are selling their homes to private investors. Simon Brandon looks
at how the shift from not-for-profit provider to moneymaking venture is affecting communitiesStock transfers have proved extremely controversial, so try to imagine the reaction if the largest local authorities in England were to sell their housing stock to private investors.Fri, 22 Aug 2008, By Simon Brandon
Suicide Spreads as One Solution to the Debt Crisis
A few days before Congress passed its Housing Bill, Carlene Balderrama of Taunton, MA found her own solution to the housing crisis. Just a little over two hours in advance of the time her mortgage company, PHH Mortgage Corporation -- may its name live in infamy -- was to auction off her home, Balderrama killed herself with her husband's rifle.
Questions of Rent Tactics by Private Equity
Tenants of an apartment building in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan gather in their lobby to discuss allegations of harassment by the building's owner. Published: May 9, 2008
American housing: Map of misery
SOUNDING more like a cartographer than a central banker, Ben Bernanke this week showed off the Federal Reserve’s latest gizmo for tracking America’s property bust: maps that colour-code price declines, foreclosures and other gauges of housing distress for every county.