Debate:how to burst the real-estate bubble?
Tear Down the Ghetto: The Price is Wrong
What the misanthropic Jenkins calls a "small mental adjustment" is actually a government- subsidized economy of destruction -rather than production- divorced totally from human needs but instead dictated by the demands of those who deal in "moneyness."
Global Capital and the Cities of the South
KARACHI: International capital is desperately looking for a home. Cities of South and South-East Asia are attractive destinations since they have a weak regulatory framework and have undergone structural adjustment. Here, this investment, is increasingly determining not only the shape of the city but also social and economic relations.
The movement against lodging purchase supported by 16 000 Chinese
SHENZHEN, 10 may 2006 (XINHUA) -- Confronted with the running-up prices of lodging, Zou Tao, a citizen of Shenzhen -a special economic zone in Guangdong (south)- called in late April in an open letter to the Chinese public for not buying flats for 3 years to normalise the market.
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