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As barricadas que dividem São Paulo

mapa dos conflitos em 2009 Só neste ano, foram pelo menos dez grandes protestos em diversas regiões de periferia da capital paulista, que resultaram em enfrentamentos com a polícia e um saldo de destruição de casas e pertences familiares, pessoas presas e feridas. Orquestradas, ou não, o fato é que essas manifestações parecem expressar a revolta dos moradores contra as tantas formas de exclusão e violência de que são testemunhas diárias.

US Anti-Foreclosure Programs Not Enough - Watchdog

Government programs to fight the U.S. home foreclosure crisis look increasingly inadequate and should be expanded, a congressional watchdog said in a report. With a foreclosure filing occurring every 13 seconds, the US is mired in a housing slump that is destroying billions of dollars in property values and threatening to choke off the economy's recovery from a stubborn recession.

France, Les coopératives pour réinventer l’habitat populaire en période de crise

Ambiance de couloirs L'atelier, en programme à Strasbourg le 2/12/09, montre comment les coopératives d’habitants inversent les processus de disqualification sociale à l’oeuvre dans les centres villes. En mobilisant capital social et circuits financiers éthiques, elles réunifient la figure de l’habitant et du constructeur et proposent aux autorités des réponses économiques et écologiques au mal logement.

Seminário Remoções em Grandes Projetos: e o Direito à Moradia Adequada?

Seminário, Remoções em grandes projetos (2009) Remoções em grandes projetos de desenvol- vimento é tema do 1º seminário organizado en S. Paulo pela relatoria da ONU

Italy, Roma: community facing forced eviction

©Third Party City authorities in Milan, northern Italy, are preparing to forcibly evict a community of about 200 Roma people living in Rubattino area in the east of the city. According to local NGOs and media, they have announced that they will carry out the evictions at some point before 21 September.

Ghana, Sodom Flex Muscles against evictions

A section of the demonstrators September 10 2009THOUSANDS OF inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah yesterday thronged the forecourt of Sikkens, at Agbogbloshie, in protest of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly’s (AMA) immediate plans to eject them from the slum, which, after many years, has become their home.

Ejecuciones hipotecarias y derecho a la vivienda

Acción contra la subasta de un piso en Barcelona (2009) Para abordar esta problemática, el 22 de junio 2009, el Observatori DESC, con el apoyo del Departamento de Vivienda de la Generalitat de Catalunya y del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona, organizó unas jornadas orientadas a conocer cuáles son las posibilidades y los límites de las actuales estrategias jurídicas para hacer frente a la insolvencia familiar. En esta publicación se recogen las ponencias presentadas y se añade un documento de síntesis elaborado por el Observatori.

L’Amérique latine invente le logement social «anti-subprime»

Alors que l'immobilier aux Etats-Unis est en pleine déconfiture, des projets alternatifs de logements populaires s'imposent à l'extrême sud du continent. De Buenos Aires à São Paulo, des coopératives d'habitants s'organisent pour atténuer les ravages de la crise du logement.Article par Ludovic Lamant, 21 Août 2009

This is Port Harcourt, the Garden City of Rubble

Ohaeri,SERAC In a manner reminiscent of the infamous July 1990 Maroko forced evictions, thousands of poor inhabitants of Njemanze waterfront community, Port Harcourt, have at the peak of torrential rains of the coastal delta region of Nigeria, been forcibly evicted, rendered homeless, and pushed deeper into poverty. The intrigues, planning and execution methods of the Njemanze demolitions tells a moving story that evokes imageries of a rudderless ship in an open sea, sailing stealthily to a damning fate. The storyline seamlessly weaves what would have been the good, the not so good, and potentially the nastiest that is to happen since the waterfronts demolitions saga began.

Cambodia: Newest Evacuation ‘Biggest in Decades’

Boeung Kak Lake PHNOM PENH, Aug 28 (IPS) - Dozens of families this week started dismantling their homes and moving away from lakeside land in the centre of the capital after giving up on their lengthy struggle to remain. By the end of the eviction process at this site, around 30,000 people will have been moved off now-valuable land. Human rights workers said it will be the biggest movement of Cambodians from their homes in decades.