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France, Un front s’organise pour le droit au logement

Les élus communistes et républicains ont tenu à Ivry, Val-de-Marne, les états généraux du logement, de l’habitat et de la ville.

Trop d'Africains ont comme idéal la ville coloniale

L'Afrique et ses villes (Documentation française, sep. 2008) Interview de Jean-Pierre Elong-Mbassi, secrétaire général CGLU d'Afrique. Les citoyens ne sont pas préparés à ce discours de vérité. C'est plus facile pour les hommes politiques de promettre à tous un morceau de Paris. Trop d'Africains ont encore comme idéal la cité coloniale, la ville héritée.

Makeshift Camp

REPORT: BONJOUR BOBIGNY - 2 TO 8 JULY 2009 Under the Bondy bridge, between the canal and the tramway, is the spot where several Roma families have settled in their caravans. The atmosphere here is coloured by the inhabitants’ kindness, a certain degree of resignation, and great destitution.

Venezuela, The mayor’s office in the municipality of Libertador, Caracas, proclaims an anti-eviction decree 

Venezuela  is progressing in relation to human rights through a decree given by the Bolivarian   Republic  of Venezuela  the Mayor’s office of the municipality  of Libertador , Caracas . The latest decree in relation to human rights declared by the Mayor’s office in the municipality of Libertador, puts the Bolivariana Republic of Venezuela as the third city in the world to have instruments of international protection against arbitrary and forced evictions. The first place to have this form of protection was the city of Rome - where in 2005, an action plan against evections was approved; the second one, Bobigny - which forms part of the metropolitan area of Paris, the first French city to approve a decree to protect the evicted people; and now Caracas is the third one.

FAL y FAL-P en Ecatepec

El Grupo Promotor de la Red FAL se ha reunido el 25 de Agosto en Ecatepec con el objetivo de preparar la VIII Asamblea Mundial de la Red y la Constitución del FAL de la Amazonía durante el VIII FSM (Belem do Pará, enero 2009).El encuentro ha comenzado con la presencia del grupo en la ceremonia cívica que el gobierno local celebra cada lunes y viernes en la ciudad. A continuación, el grupo se ha desplazado al Museo Casa de Morelos donde ha comenzado su reunión.

Anti-eviction decree of Bobigny

Tuesday 18 March, 2008 The City of Bobigny is declared a protective zone for tenants in economic difficulties. Any eviction procedure opened against an individual or a family must be preceded by a referral of the specialized coordination commission of preventative action against evictions. Any eviction within the area of the City of Bobigny, resulting from the effects of economic or social insecurity, which is not preceded by a referral from the commission organized in article 2, is forbidden.

Speech delivered by Catherine Peyge during the first municipal council meeting of the new term on March 14th 2008

The Municipal Council of Bobigny has been appointed. The mayor and the deputy mayors have been elected. We are going to continue our work. We have our road map in hand, as they say: 136 objectives! But not 136 articles!

FAL Network : Malaga Declaration

As a result of the works carried out during the 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of March 2007 in Malaga, and taking as reference the conclusions of the table on Participatory Budgeting held in FAL of Nairobi, we are constituted as Participatory Democracy and Participatory Budgeting Working Group of the FAL Network.

Ciudad. El desafío del municipalismo para el África del futuro

“Garantizar que los servicios relacionados con el agua y la electricidad queden en manos de los gobiernos y no sean privatizados” y “abolir el requisito de visado para los africanos que viajan de un país a otro dentro del continente” para evitar que la “restricción de los movimientos” actúe “contra la unidad africana y el progreso de sus habitantes”. Estos son las demandas más contundentes que presenta la Declaración de Alcaldes emitida en el 4º Encuentro Africities/Africité, que - en cierto sentido - puede considerarse el primer follow-up de la discusión del World Urban Forum realizado en junio en Vancouver.