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Enough of the Political Murders in Russia!

Solidarity with all defenders and supporters of rights, freedom and justice in Russia!

Sadness and anger: those who defend rights and freedoms are increasingly menaced each day in Russia, and they are now in shock following the Monday January 19th assassination of lawyer Stanislav Markelov and the young journalist Anastassia Babourova who accompanied him.

These assassinations are the last two of a long, unbearable list of murders and aggressions of all types. Over the past two months, aggressions have only increased in Russia. The act of protest or expression of one's disagreement now means risking one's very own life. The threat has intensified, and violence against protesters can very well have two faces. In the general indifference, Russia should not be condemned to a black hole, where justice will no longer have a place.

Stanislav Markelov was one of the rare lawyers who defended the activists of social movements, trade unions and more generally, human rights in the Russia. He pleaded not only in Moscow, but continually travelled throughout Russia, notably in the Caucus and even in Belorussia, or to Strasbourg, where he pleaded before the European Court of Human Rights.

An engaged lawyer and a man of the left, he also took part in social forums, regardless of whether they were Russian or European. His activities annoyed many people. He defended Anna Politkovskaya, victims of Nord-Ost, and victims of police brutality in Bachkiria. More recently, he defended a young Chechen man who accused Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechen president, of kidnapping and torture; Mickhael Beketov, the journalist from Khimki who was beaten for denouncing the local administration; the cause of the workers in the stationery shop in Vyborg in their attempt to manage themselves; anti-Fascists supporters wrongly accused of terrorist acts, residents in worker housing threatened with eviction, etc. Stanislav was violently attacked in the Moscow underground in 2004. Following the latest threats by SMS, many have made the connection with his assassination in the heart of Moscow on Monday, January 19th and the liberation of Colonel Boudanov for good behaviour on January 15th, who was incarcerated for 10 years in 2003, following the death of Elza Koungaieva.

In fact, Stas was leaving a press conference where he expressed his indignation and his will to pursue this high military figure accused of strangling a young Chechen woman with his own hands during an interrogation. He had intended to appeal before the High Court of Justice. His knowledge of, and his commitment to peace in Chechnya and throughout the North Caucus was vast, as was his support for the struggle against Fascism, racism and xenophobia.

Anastassia Babourova was a journalist at the Novaïa Gazeta and had the courage to tackle the subject of Chechnya as Anna Politskaya had done before. Nastia was a libertarian activist, and her commitment was reflected in the themes of her articles: the informal, anti-authoritarian youth, protest actions in the streets, the rise of neo-Nazism in Russia and legal affairs related to Stas Markelov. Moreover, she was present at his side during the last European Social Forum in Malmö. She died in hospital a few hours after Stanislav's assassination. She died trying to catch Stanislav's assassin.

We would like to express our support to all those who fight to defend their rights and for the birth of a fair society in Russia.

We are calling you to gather in solidarity and to pay homage to Stanislav Markelov and Anasstasia Babourova.

On the initative of: Convoi Syndical, IFHR, European Assembly of Citzens, CEDETIM, Chechen Committee.