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Duped Investors blocked a town street in the Leningrad Region

On December, 3, in Murino, a small town in the Leningrad region, a crowd of cheated investors blocked a highway, having completely stopped the traffic. The protest participants were reported to have been crossing the busy street on the pedestrian walkway for a few hours both ways having blocked the traffic.

The protest action was held in front of a big hypermarket in day time not far away from the Deviatkino metro station.

According to the local municipality and police, the number of the protest participants was not more than 100 people, but according to the eyewitnesses, the number of people involved in the protest was much bigger. 

The traffic had to bypass the area along roundabout roads.

The police were sent to the place, and several arrests were made. Those arrested were released later but accused of ‘’contumacy and disobedience to the traffic police and violation of the traffic rules’’ and received subpoenas to court.

The local government chief said, when interviewed, that ‘’it was incorrect to resolve personal problems at the expense of other people including the ordinary drivers’’.

фото Сергея Васильева, группа "Девяткино оnline" "ВКонтакте"

The protesters were investors into a residential project constructed by the O2 Development company.

The construction began in 2011 and should have been completed in 2014, but still incomplete.

What is more, in the end of November the investors, who had been closely watching the construction process, reported that they had seen removal of construction materials from the site.

Following the protest action, the government of the Leningrad region stated that the problem is to be resolved under the regional Governor’ control.

‘’We have had consultations with the leaders of investors initiative groups, construction developer and officials of the Chief Police Office for Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region and Prosecutor’s Office of the Leningrad region. Long term decisions are to be taken following the results of an in-depth assessment of the ongoing situation, as early as December, 6, at a meeting headed by the Governor’’- Sergey Perminov, Vice Governor of the Leningrad region for internal policies, is quoted as saying. 

Despite this, the investors are set to hold more protest actions until they see that the construction project is carried on and completed.

‘’The investors are going to hold protest actions till the lawlessness is stopped. What is required is that an interdepartmental comprehensive inspection with a deep probe into the case and criminal cases should be initiated. Now we see the prosecutor’s office, OBEP police agency and law enforcement bodies referring to a lack of qualified workforce and bouncing off our complaints from one office to another’’, - the investors insist in their statement.

According to various sources, the number of the so called ‘’duped investors’’ in Russia is estimated at 40 000 people, and their problems have become the subject of heated discussions at the federal level due to their mass protests all over the country.


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