6th Session 2017
6th SESSION OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL ON EVICTIONS (Venice, Italy 28-30 September 2017) - Preliminary Verdict And Recommendations
Preliminary Verdict And Recommendations
International Tribunal on Evictions - Session on tourism - 28-30 September 2017
28-30 september 2017
Italy, Venice
Sala San Leonardo, Cannaregio 1584
What is the International Tribunal of Evictions?
The International Tribunal on Evictions (ITE) is a peoples’ and opinion tribunal established in 2011 by the International Alliance of Inhabitants and civil society organisations for the World Zero Evictions Days to practically and interactively put forced evictions from around the world in the dock. The Tribunal relies on the expertise of an international Jury of well-respected and competent individuals, as well as on the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and other instruments of international law, in order to pass judgement on real cases of forced evictions that constitute human rights violations.The International Tribunal on Evictions (ITE) is a peoples’ and opinion tribunal established in 2011 by the International Alliance of Inhabitants and civil society organisations for the World Zero Evictions Days to practically and interactively put forced evictions from around the world in the dock. The Tribunal relies on the expertise of an international Jury of well-respected and competent individuals, as well as on the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and other instruments of international law, in order to pass judgement on real cases of forced evictions that constitute human rights violations.
Da chi e come sono costruite l'indipendenza e l'autorità della sesta Sessione del Tribunale Internazionale degli Sfratti (ITE)
La Sessione avrà luogo grazie a coloro che condividono il capitale sociale, alla partecipazione volontaria degli attivisti delle organizzazioni e alla collaborazione di altri volontari, come gli interpreti.Organizzato per la prima volta nel 2011, il Tribunale Internazionale degli Sfratti è un tribunale d'opinione basato sul Patto internazionale sui diritti economici, sociali e culturali e altri strumenti giuridici internazionali relativi all'applicazione del diritto alla casa e alla terra.
Comunicato stampa: Tribunale Internazionale degli Sfratti si conclude con la lettura delle Raccomandazioni e un dibattito esplosivo
Si conclude sabato 30/09/17 la 6a Sessione del Tribunale Internazionale degli Sfratti con la lettura del verdetto e delle Raccomandazioni e un dibattito che pone sotto accusa l'eccesso di turismo che sta uccidendo i territori e i loro abitanti.
International Tribunal in Venice - Strengthening the Voices of People Evicted by Tourism
Press release
While the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) celebrates today, 27th September, as World Tourism Day, local communities in many parts of the world see no reason to celebrate. On the contrary: From India and Sri Lanka, from Kenya, Argentina and Italy, people affected or threatened by evictions related to tourism are gathering in Venice for their cases to be heard by an International Tribunal on Evictions (ITE), launched by the International Alliance of Inhabitants (IAI).
Medha Patkar, una vita contro i ladri d'acqua della Narmada Valley, Al Tribunale Internazionale degli Sfratti, Venezia, Sala S. Leonardo, 29/09/17 ore 18.30
COMUNICATO STAMPAA conclusione della prima giornata del Tribunale Internazionale degli Sfratti, organizzato dall'International Alliance of Inhabitants assieme alle organizzazioni locali per il diritto ad abitare, si svolgerà un evento speciale a sostegno della Campagna Sfratti Zero per Narmada Valley con la partecipazione di Medha Patkar, la più famosa attivista indiana in lotta da oltre 32 anni contro la costruzione di una diga che sommergerà le terre e la vita di 200.000 persone.
Why the ITE Session on Tourism? Growing human rights violations caused by over-tourism
Despite the problems caused by the global crisis, wars and terrorism, tourism has risen to 1,235 billion people in 20162, increasing its pressure on communities, notably in South America, Africa and Asia, without diminishing its hold in Europe and North America. However the tourism industry, in its many forms, is a growing cause of forced evictions because, under the pretext of popularizing exchanges and enjoyment of the world, tourism is turning cities and territories into goods and their inhabitants into extras.
Two good reasons for choosing Venice
There are at least two good reasons for choosing Venice as the site of ITE Session on tourism. First. Venice is one of the saddest examples of the pressure caused by tourism: this unique city, subjected to policies prioritising the tourism industry, has experienced massive dislocations - effectively evictions through economic methods - that has seen its population reduced to less than 54,000 in 2017 compared to 175,000 in 1953. Meanwhile, Venice is undergoing growing tourism pressure with 9 million overnight tourists and 24 million commuter visitors in 2016.
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