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Habitantes de Europa


Enfants à la rue à Lyon: action coup de poing et gaz lacrymo au collège Truffaut

Durant 3 heures, une cinquantaine de personnes ont occupé le collège Truffaut. © Leïla Piazza / Rue89Lyon Après l’occupation des écoles par les parents d’élèves, les actions se radicalisent pour trouver des solutions d’hébergement pour les enfants SDF. Ce mardi soir, 150 personnes ont tenté d’occuper un collège vacant des pentes de la Croix-Rousse pour y loger des familles. Elles étaient soutenues par la maire du 1er et un élu du Front de gauche. Réquisitionnez!

Confronto pubblico: recuperare il patrimonio abbandonato per abitarlo

Mercoledì 18 dicembre 2013 dalle ore 17 alle 20 presso l'aula consiliare del V Municipio in via Acqua Bullicante 2, Roma, Assemblea pubblica su Autorecupero: il nostro piano regolatore sull'esistente alternativo al piano regolatore sulle aree speculativo e appiattito sulla rendita immobiliare.

Call: communicate your case of eviction!

INTERNATIONAL CALL ON CASE OF EVICTION Communicate your case of eviction! International Tribunal on Evictions 2013 The International Tribunal on Evictions launches an international Call to identify cases of evictions for its third Session that will take place October 18th, 2013 in Geneva within the World Zero Evictions Days – for the Right to Habitat 2013! Following the success in 2011 and 2012, this third Session consolidates the proposal to maintain the Tribunal, as a useful point of reference for everybody. 

Call for solidarity with homeless people in Hungary

We invite our friends all over the world to join our struggle against the tragic changes in the Hungarian legislation concerning homelessness. Our call is desperate in the sense that, despite all the good reasons and even an opposing Constitutional Court decision, a last ray of hope is the clear and strong objection of the international community to the criminalization of homelessness.

Happy birthday IAI, in solidarity!

... is a global network of associations and social movements of inhabitants, cooperatives, communities, tenants, house owners, homeless, slum dwellers, indigenous populations and people from working class neighbourhoods. The objective is the construction of another possible world starting from the achievement of the housing and city rights ...

Vademecum Contratti Locazione – Studenti Fuori Sede

Canoni neri: ecco il vademecum per studenti fuorisede, 15 regole di autodifesa prima di prendere in affitto una casa, una stanza o un posto letto, da conoscere per non cadere in affitti capestro.

Viareggio, festa nazionale R@P

Viareggio, festa nazionale R@P Dal 19 al 28 luglio a Viareggio si terrà la festa nazionale delle R@P (Rete di Autorganizzazione Popolare),organizzata dal Circolo Caracol e dall'Unione Inquilini. In programma concerti e dibattiti. Il 26 workshop e il 27 una tavola rotonda aperta a tutte le realtà di lotta a livello nazionale in preparazione della Giornate Mondiali Sfratti Zero di ottobre.

Istanbul, Urban Movements: We will not let Gezi Park, our labour, our life, our nature be touched!

Since the 27th of May, Istanbulites had been continuing a peaceful resistance in Gezi Park, soon to be demolished due to a renewal project. They will never allow any  disregard the demolishment of neighbourhoods by urban transformation projects.  The IAI full solidarity to the call from Urban movements!Your international support and solidarity are needed.

L’attività internazionalista dell’Unione Inquilini, convergenze e solidarietà

Nei primi mesi del 2013 l’Unione Inquilini ha partecipato attivamente all' Assemblea Mondiale degli Abitanti (Foro Sociale Mondiale Tunisi, 26-30 marzo 2013 ) e a una inizitiava di confronto europeo svolto in Germania (24-28 aprile 2013) dei movimenti impegnati su vari fronti di lotta,  su invito della Fondazione Luxemburg. Prossime tappe l'Alter Summit (Atene 7-8 giugno 2013) e le Giornate Mondiali Sfratti Zero-per il Diritto ad Abitare durante tutto ottobre.

Cooperative housing facing the financial and housing crises

Faced with the growing power of real estate speculation at international level, whose effects have been felt particularly in the USA and a good number of European countries, particularly in Southern Europe, the international meetings in Lyon, France (UCLy- 5 July 2013), propose to make a start on developing a comparison (and not an opposition) between the Latin and Anglo-Saxon models arising from social cooperation and their application in the area of affordable housing:  the "Community Land Trust" representing the Anglo-Saxon model and "Latin cooperatives" of inhabitants as the Latin model.