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Habitantes de Europa


The Dubki park in Moscow defended by the Muscovites: women and children beaten up and arrested by police

Private securities are reported to be beating up and harassing inhabitants of the Timiryazevsky district in Moscow. The local police have arrested fifteen activists and grassroots during the protest actions. Women and children have become victims of repression.

Solidarity of the Inhabitants of the World against the terrorist attacks in Brussels

We, the International Alliance of Inhabitants, express above all our sincere condolences to the families of the victims of the terrible terrorist attacks committed on 22/03/16 in Brussels Airport and Metro. We also express our solidarity with the Belgian people and with all our Belgian comrades.

St. Petersburg, Ilyushina tenants for ever!

Ilyushina tenants on hunger strike The tenants of residential house № 15 building 2 of Ilyushina street in Saint Petersburg, Russia, have become famous not only in Russia but worldwide thanks to their many yearlong resistance to forced evictions. The Ilyushina tenants, as they are called in Russia, have sustained a longer than ten year long struggle for their housing having grappled with the local city authorities and construction companies and won finally through their perseverance and courage.

Сделать регулирование рынков недвижимости обязательным для повестки дня на встрече Хабитат III !

Все знают об обвале 2007–08 г.г., ставшим результатом образования пузырей на рынке жилья, что привело к потрясениям на мировых финансовых рынках. Но во время подготовки к конференции Хабитат III в рамках ООН вряд ли можно будет услышать об этой недавней истории.  Международные, национальные и местные организации требуют серьезного обсуждения этих и связанных с ними проблем на конференции и принятия решений, которые будут отражены в регулировании на глобальном уровне. Следовательно, эта проблема будет среди основных во время проведения Народного социального территориального форума Альтернатива Хабитату III.

The currency borrowers blocked Neglinnaya street in Moscow and scuffled with the police

One of the mass actions Moscow has seen lately was the protest staged by the so called currency borrowers. The Russian currency borrowers are those who have borrowed from various banks, some of them being foreign ones, substantial amounts of money in hard currency, either in the US Dollars or Euros, to support their mortgages.

Ildar Dadin, a Russian activist, to be released from prison

Russia and many other countries have seen actions staged in support of Ildar Dadin, sentenced to three years of hard labor under the Russian penal code article ‘’Numerous cases of violation of holding public events’’.

Novyi Urengoy, Fires Liquidate Housing Problem

The Town of Novyi Urengoy is one of those Russian towns and cities that are considered to be the most prosperous. The reason is its place and role in the oil and gas producing industry – the town is located in the North, in the area which is called the Yamal and Nenetsk Autonomous Region, known for its immense oil and gas reserves.

OPEN LETTER: Concern about the violation of housing right as consequence of the 17th November agreement regarding Greece

The IAI are very much concerned about the consequences of the “agreements” which on Dec. 17 2015 – according to media and local civil society – have been achieved between the creditors and the Greek government regarding new conditions for the protection of indebted homeowners.  As far as we know 35 % of the housing loans in Greece are currently not performing, mostly because of the economic situation. 300.000 homeowners are concerned.

В Санкт-Петербурге убит активист обманутых дольщиков ГК «Город»

Last october 6 Saint Petersburg witnessed a murder Константин Андреев, супруг петербургской активистки движения обманутых дольщиков, умер от ранений, полученных в результате нападения и избиения. Международный Альянс Жителей отправил свои соболезнования и выразил свою полную солидарность с супругой погибшего, осуждая кровавое преступление. МАЖ требует ареста убийц и привлечения их к ответственности, а также намерено сообщить о случившемся Специальному докладчику ООН по адекватному жилью.

Il calendario (in progress) della Giornata Sfratti Zero

10 ottobre Sfratti Zero: gli appuntamenti comunicati (in progress) Monza: l'appuntamento e' sabato 10 ottobre 2015 in largo Mazzini (centro) dalle 9 alle 13, promossa da unione inquilini con l'adesione del PRC, del Coordinamento Comitati Inquilini Alloggi Comunali ed altri. Livorno: sabato 10 ottobre sfratti zero. a Livorno l'appuntamento è in piazza Grande alle ore 10.00, promossa da unione inquilini Firenze: sabato 10 ottobre 2015, quarta giornata nazionale sfratti zero, il movimento lotta per la casa di firenze manifesta in piazza dalmazia, ore 16