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World Social Forum Nairobi, January 2007

From the WSF: proposals for the unity of the urban social movements

Agreements and conclusions of the meeting of coordination between urban networks. On 24 January 2007, a convergence meeting of urban social movements playing a role in the right housing and to the city was held in Nairobi under the framework of the WSF, jointly proposed by the HIC and IAI. Participants: around 200 representatives of movements from 20 countries in Africa, Europe, Northern and Latin America and Asia, as well as local authorities that are members of the LAF.

WSF 2007: Seminar "The Popular Fund for the right to Land and Housing"

Non-payment of debt and the redirection of funds into housing and basic public servicesIn addition to a hundred or so representatives of social organisations and delegates from sixteen countries, the following figures attended the seminar organised by the IAI and the Forum of Local Authorities

For slum dwellers!

Another World Is Possible Even for Slumdwellers The World Social Forum is coming to Kenya and Africa for the first time since her inception about five years ago. Known as the largest gathering of the civil society advocating with and for the poor, the social forum will provide Africa with an opportunity to show case her struggles against global and domestic injustices such as the heavy debt burden, unjust international trade laws and biased donor-aid condionatlities which ensure that Africa forever remains an economic colony of the so called developed countries.