Success of the Global Day of Mobilization 2008
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La actividad central se realizará el día domingo 27 de enero, 3 pm en Jr. Junín 739, en el Centro de Lima, que es la JORNADA POBLACIONAL: DESTUGURIZACION Y RENOVACIÓN URBANA SIN DESALOJOS, que contará con la presencia del Vice Ministro de Vivienda, Ing Jesus Vidalon y el Director Nacional de Vivienda, Arq David Ramos con quienes se tiene como agenda, arribar a acuerdos concretos para tener de Lima y otras ciudades, CENTROS VIVOS Y AUTENTICOS, como signo del derecho a la ciudad que tenemos todos y todas.
Previa a esta acción y parte de la Campaña Nacional, las organizaciones AGIDELCA y FIDEPP, han realizado Jornadas de dialogo con autoridades sobre su derecho al acceso al agua y al desarrollo humano.
Previa a esta acción y parte de la Campaña Nacional, las organizaciones AGIDELCA y FIDEPP, han realizado Jornadas de dialogo con autoridades sobre su derecho al acceso al agua y al desarrollo humano.
► 26 de Enero de 2008: Jornada de Movilización Global convocada por el Foro Social Mundial
► La Jornada más larga por la lucha por el derecho a la vivienda sin frontera
La Federación de Organizaciones Vecinales de Lima y Callao -FOVELIC- organización que agrupa a más de 40 asentamientos humanos de la capital se adhiere a las jornadas mundiales por la vivienda digna en el marco de la Jornada Global de Movilización convocada por el Foro Social Mundial (FSM).
► La Jornada más larga por la lucha por el derecho a la vivienda sin frontera
La Federación de Organizaciones Vecinales de Lima y Callao -FOVELIC- organización que agrupa a más de 40 asentamientos humanos de la capital se adhiere a las jornadas mundiales por la vivienda digna en el marco de la Jornada Global de Movilización convocada por el Foro Social Mundial (FSM).
2008, Januar 25 - 4:30pm
In observation of the Global Day of Action, poor and homeless families, children, students, teachers and other members of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union (KWRU), a founding member and leading organization in the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC) in the USA, held a Candlelight Vigil today in the freezing cold at Philadelphia's City Hall.
In observation of the Global Day of Action, poor and homeless families, children, students, teachers and other members of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union (KWRU), a founding member and leading organization in the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC) in the USA, held a Candlelight Vigil today in the freezing cold at Philadelphia's City Hall.
Leaders United Against Homelessness
2008, Januar 26 - 11:00am
In the wake of the devestating Hurricane Katrina and the levee breaks New Orleans homeless population has sky rocketed. We will provide a meal and hygiene kits to the homeless community residing under the I-10 overpass (Claiborne Street) at Canal Street this Saturday, January 26, 2008 between 11:00 am and noon.
2008, Januar 26 - 11:00am
In the wake of the devestating Hurricane Katrina and the levee breaks New Orleans homeless population has sky rocketed. We will provide a meal and hygiene kits to the homeless community residing under the I-10 overpass (Claiborne Street) at Canal Street this Saturday, January 26, 2008 between 11:00 am and noon.
When: Saturday, January 26th
11:30am—Rally Outside Senator Clinton’s Office
1:30pm—Press Conference and Rally @ Columbus Circle
Where: First Stop, 11:30 am: Campaign Office for Senator Hillary Clinton, 420 Lexington Ave at 43rd Street
Press Conference, 1:30pm: Rally for Barack Obama,
59th Street, Columbus Circle
Why: January 26th is a Global Day of Action when people around the world will gather to demonstrate and conduct public education to bring awareness to issues facing oppressed people around the world. In New Orleans and around the country, low-income people are being displaced from their -over- homes and communities.
11:30am—Rally Outside Senator Clinton’s Office
1:30pm—Press Conference and Rally @ Columbus Circle
Where: First Stop, 11:30 am: Campaign Office for Senator Hillary Clinton, 420 Lexington Ave at 43rd Street
Press Conference, 1:30pm: Rally for Barack Obama,
59th Street, Columbus Circle
Why: January 26th is a Global Day of Action when people around the world will gather to demonstrate and conduct public education to bring awareness to issues facing oppressed people around the world. In New Orleans and around the country, low-income people are being displaced from their -over- homes and communities.

Movimentos de Moradia, Relatoria Nacional do Direito Humano a Moradia Adequada e Terra Urbana
Reunião 25 de janeiro de 2008 lança o Observatório de Belém
Some 400 activists from Atlanta, Georgia and around the U.S. South gathered for a People's Movement Assembly Saturday, in solidarity with the Global Day of Action.