Международный трибунал по выселениям 2016
Fifth Session of the International Tribunal on Evictions: the urgent need for a global moratorium
The fifth Session of the International Tribunal on Evictions in Quito, Ecuador, has exposed the tragedy of evicted people, a taboo subject at the UN Habitat III Conference despite the figure surpassing 60 million people on a global scale. Despite the threat of police action, the opening session at Monte Sinaí, Guayaquil, with 600 people in attendance, and the Session in a crowded lecture hall in Quito, gave a voice to the poignant testimonies calling neoliberal policies into account. The verdict that came out of this Session is final: public authorities have a responsibility and must urgently put in place a global moratorium on evictions. Solidary mobilisation will have a key part to play in this.
Provisional verdict fifth session of the International Tribunal on Evictions - People’s social forum resistance Habitat III - Quito, 17 october 2016
Presentation of the seven cases at the 5th
Session of the International Tribunal on Evictions (ITE), held in the city of Quito, representing situations affecting communities and individuals from all five continents. The selection have been made within the 88 cases received, from 35 countries as a response to the Call for Cases sent for the 5th
Session, related to the eviction of 980.000 people.
Международный трибунал по выселениям - 5 сессия 17 октября 2016 года - Кито, Эквадор
Пятая сессия Международного трибунала по выселениям, которая будет проведена 17 октября, 2016 года в рамках Народного социального форума Сопротивления проведению Хабитат III (Universidad Central de Ecuador, Facultad de Jurisprudencia y Sciencias Politicas, Quito, 17-20 October 2016), и в самый разгар Дней мира без выселений 2016 года.
The East Asia Regional Tribunal on Evictions Highlights the Marginalised Facts of Evictions in the Habitat III Agenda
On July 2-4, 2016, the International Tribunal on Evictions, will be launching its first local/regional tribunal session, in Asia, which will take place in Taipei, Taiwan. An essential step towards the 5th
ITE Session that will be held under the People's Social Forum in Resistance to Habitat III (Quito, 17 to 20 october 2016). Following the steps of the previous four International sessions since 2011, carried out under the World Zero Evictions Days.
Do not keep silent: Communicate your case of eviction!
International Tribunal on Evictions 2016
Today, forced evictions threaten between 50 and 70 million people worldwide. The International Tribunal on Evictions launches an international Call to identify not numbers but concrete cases of evictions from housing and land for its fifth Session that will take place within the World Zero Evictions Days at the World Urban Social Forum, alternative to the Conference of the United Nations Habitat III (Quito, Ecuador. October 2016).