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Americas Social Forum, Quito July 2004

Quito Declaration

1st Social Forum of the Americas (Quito, 25-30 of July 2004) The International Alliance of Inhabitants acknowledges the accomplishments of the 1st Social Forum of the Americas (Quito, 25-30 of July 2004) and is committed to keep on participating in an active manner in the collective effort of social organisations of the American continent to construct a more just, fraternal and solidary America. In the present circumstances, this challenge requires more than ever, a steadfast union amongst of all those involved. We must fight to build a different world and effectively co-ordinate all the initiatives, which are still dispersed, to peacefully solve all the conflicts and the serious problems that plague us, while respecting the fundamental rights of the American people and in this way guarantee the autonomy of the countries of the region.

Inhabitants for another possible world!

IAI Programme of activities Social Forum of the Americas. International Alliance of Inhabitants has participated to the 1st Foro Social de las Americas (Quito, Ecuador 25-30 July, 2004). IAI has discussed on several topics: participatory democracy, cancellation of the debt (Zero Eviction campaign) in exchange for public town-planning and housing policies with international participation and control.

Towards a popular Fund for the right to land and housing

The Americas Social Forum, 2004.Today more than one billion people in the world do not have access to adequate housing due to the unequal distribution of resources, to armed conflicts and to the precariousness of land tenancy.Before 2030 this number will have doubled despite the commitment of all the governments of the planet to improve the living conditions of 100 million inadequately housed people before the year 2020.