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Декларация городского социального форума, рио-де-жанейро (2010 год) навстречу всемирной ассамблее жильцов (дакар 2011)

Декларация городского социального форума, рио-де-жанейро (2010 год) навстречу всемирной ассамблее жильцов (дакар 2011)

Создадим вместе Международный Союз Жильцов!

Создадим вместе Международный Союз Жильцов!

no more neoliberal model of cities

It is possible to build new cities thanks to a new urban social pact centered on the citizens. The failure of the neoliberal model of cities.Thirty years after the first Habitat I world summit held in Vancouver, we, citizens of the world, have witnessed the manifest deterioration of our living conditions and unalienable rights.

Creating A Common Global Space Of Solidarity For Urban Social Movements

This is an appeal for the unity of urban social movements which strive to give concrete expression to economic, social and cultural rights, as well as housing rights in particular. It is launched by the organizations and networks of inhabitants, co-operatives, tenants’ unions, community centres, original populations and committees for housing rights all over the world.