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Detroit, an invitation to water warriors


2nd Annual International Gathering of Social Movements on the Right to Water

Michigan Welfare Rights Organization (MWRO) and their allies announce the second annual International Gathering of Social Movements on Water to be held in Detroit Michigan June 8-11th. You are cordially invited to join social movements from across the globe as we analyze the problems and draft; grassroots solutions for clean, affordable, accessible water and sanitation in addition to solutions for guaranteeing the commons and universal human rights.

Register Today!

» 2nd Annual International Gathering of Social Movements on the Right to Water

Международный Союз Жителей – глобальная сеть общественных организаций и движений жителей, кооперативов, сообществ, квартиросъемщиков, собственников квартиры, жителей общежитий, этнических поселений и рабочего класса бедных кварталов. Цель – построить новый мир, начиная с реализацией права на жилье и на город.