A mining colossus against the right to housing, land and environment
Mines, roads, steel and iron industries, ports and dams at the cost of people’s life and their right to housing and territories. Vale is the second biggest Brazilian multinational, the second biggest mining company and the biggest producer of iron in the world.
The vote to Vale as the world's worst multinational is supported by Rede Justiça nos Trilhos, International Network of People Affected by Vale, Amazon Watch, International Rivers and the International Alliance of Inhabitants.
Let us say no to this “model of development” that plunders the open veins of Latin America!
Международный Союз Жителей – глобальная сеть общественных организаций и движений жителей, кооперативов, сообществ, квартиросъемщиков, собственников квартиры, жителей общежитий, этнических поселений и рабочего класса бедных кварталов. Цель – построить новый мир, начиная с реализацией права на жилье и на город.