Europe’s homeless speak out
We are taking advantage of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, as well as the decision of the European Union to tackle the issue of homelessness, in order to organize a large-scale consultation of former and current homeless people in the countries of Europe. And we are sure that our voices will be heard, as we were successful (miraculously!) in getting commissioned to do this by the Belgian government!
» Europe’s homeless speak outМеждународный Союз Жителей – глобальная сеть общественных организаций и движений жителей, кооперативов, сообществ, квартиросъемщиков, собственников квартиры, жителей общежитий, этнических поселений и рабочего класса бедных кварталов. Цель – построить новый мир, начиная с реализацией права на жилье и на город.