New York, Connecting International Struggles to Local Struggles
From July 11th-18th there will be events in New York at the UN under the High Level Political Forum that will focus on Sustainable Goal #11. It is an opportunity for civil society to become more involved in the process. Saturday July 14th in Brook Park, 494 E. 141st St. join the local/international activists from South Bronx Unite, Picture the Homeless, International Alliance of Inhabitants, Communities Action for Safe Apartments, Street Vendors Project and Global Platform for the Right to the City.
» New York, Connecting International Struggles to Local StrugglesМеждународный Союз Жителей – глобальная сеть общественных организаций и движений жителей, кооперативов, сообществ, квартиросъемщиков, собственников квартиры, жителей общежитий, этнических поселений и рабочего класса бедных кварталов. Цель – построить новый мир, начиная с реализацией права на жилье и на город.