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Giornate Sfratti Zero in tutta Italia!


In 100 piazzas, the 10th of October and beyond!

The promoters' complaint: evictions are not private tragedies but violations of law caused by disastrous political choices; a national policy is needed immediately: a moratorium on all evictions, including those caused by arrearage and inculpable foreclosures, a control of the market and financing for social housing. A mission to Italy by UN's Special Rapporteur on Housing Rights will take place soon.

» In 100 piazzas, the 10th of October and beyond!

Международный Союз Жителей – глобальная сеть общественных организаций и движений жителей, кооперативов, сообществ, квартиросъемщиков, собственников квартиры, жителей общежитий, этнических поселений и рабочего класса бедных кварталов. Цель – построить новый мир, начиная с реализацией права на жилье и на город.